
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I write about all my vactions, special events and I also post my animations here. I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Du Quoin vs. Centralia 7/06/10

  Centralia is a big town with lots of cool stuff, but despite that, they have one of the worst swimteams in our league. I swam the 50 free, 50 back, and 100 free and won all of them. Our relay team also won all of our races. This was because Centralia doesn't have any boys in our age group. We wo this meet 457-130. I can't wait till the last meet on 7/15/10 which is against the great Marion Marlins.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Du Quoin vs. Anna 7/01/10

  The DUQU vs. ANNA swimmeet was hosted at Anna but we still won it by 216 points. Anna's full name is Anna Blue Dolphins. I swam the 100 I.M., 50 back, and 50 breast and won all of them. I was also in two relays, which we also won. It was a good swimmeet altogether.

Du Quoin vs. Harrisburg 6/29/10

    The DUQU vs. HBURG swimmeet was hosted at Du Quoin and was a win for us by 241 points! IM swam a 50 free, 50 fly, and 100 free. I was in both relays also. I won one relay but got second in the other one. I also won my 100 free and 50 fly. But I got second in my 50 free. It was a good swimmeet altogether.

Poll Results For: "What ice cream flavor is best?"

  The Poll for the month of June was "What ice cream flavor is best?". Here are the results
Orange Sherbet----16%

And so the winner of this poll is: VANILLA!