
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I write about all my vactions, special events and I also post my animations here. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Great Grades!

Grace got 100% A+ in all her tests this week. 

                                                 I better study more to keep up! 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Family Reunion!

Our cousins, Lester and Karen, and Uncle Luis and Aunt Meena are visiting us finally after four years of planning from Abu Dabi! We are having loads of fun with them. They are staying for ten days. We took them to our local fairgrounds and were lucky enough to see some deer. We took them to our swimming practice and our choir rehearsal. We also took them to the Giant City Park and went apple picking at Eckert's. Four years ago we went on vacation to India, and it is the first time I remember seeing my relatives so it is amazing to see them again after four years right in our own home! I hope we can see them again some other time.