
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I write about all my vactions, special events and I also post my animations here. I hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Du Quoin Swim Team

Swimming started June first and have had four swim meets so far. They were with Herrin, Harrisburg, Salem, and Centralia. We have won against all of them, The points of winning ranged from 120-260. I will post other meets and hopefully the Du Quoin Swimming Indians will win all of our future swim meets! Practices are from Mon-Fri, 1st session (for ages 10 and under) is from 9:00-10:00, 2nd session (for ages 11-18) is from 10:00-11:30. Go Indians!!

P.S. visit the Du Quoin Swim Team website .

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Activivties I Do

Here are the activities I do. I swim on the Du Quoin Swimming Indians team in the summer and the Saluki swim club in the fall and winter. I bike in the spring and summer and sometimes run too. I have taken part in two triathlons and many runs. I also used to take part in baseball, but now I don't. I made it to the Ozark Championships once in Saluki swim, and I have made it to the all-stars three times in Du Quoin Swimming Indians. I take part in plays in the spring. As I have already stated, I sing in a choir. And I also(of course) do schoolwork. That's all the activities I do.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My First Blog and about my future trip to New York.

Hi, this is my first time blogging!
Me and my sister are going Carnegie Hall in New York on the nineteenth of April. We'll be singing "Alleluia", "Gloria", "Adoramus te", "Sesere eeye", "Chili Con Carne", and "Amavolovolo". Two are Latin (Gloria and Adoramus te), one is German (Alleluia), one in a Torres Strait language (Sesere eeye), one jazz English song (Chili Con Carne), and one in Zulu (Amavolovolo).
That's all I've got to write for now!