
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I write about all my vactions, special events and I also post my animations here. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Activivties I Do

Here are the activities I do. I swim on the Du Quoin Swimming Indians team in the summer and the Saluki swim club in the fall and winter. I bike in the spring and summer and sometimes run too. I have taken part in two triathlons and many runs. I also used to take part in baseball, but now I don't. I made it to the Ozark Championships once in Saluki swim, and I have made it to the all-stars three times in Du Quoin Swimming Indians. I take part in plays in the spring. As I have already stated, I sing in a choir. And I also(of course) do schoolwork. That's all the activities I do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are a busy man i must say .what do plan to excel in ?what are your future plans?