
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I write about all my vactions, special events and I also post my animations here. I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Candy Cane Lane

  Tonight we are going to the Candy Cane Lane. It is a neighborhood who each work together to light up their houses. The person in charge of the program puts occasional posters in other peoples yard illustrating things like the twelve days of Christmas. Wooden candy canes lead the way. At the end of the lane, there are carolers dressed as Santa Claus and elves giving out candy canes. The Candy Cane Lane is  located in the city of Benton.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker

  Grace, Rachel, and I, as said before, are in the SICC (Southern Illinois Children's Choir). We were invited to sing in SIUC's production of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker. We only had a small part though. We sang in the song Waltz of the Snowflakes. We didn't sing words but aah's. Clara (the heroin) was from the Atlanta Ballet and the Nutcracker (the hero) wasw from a ballet group in Canada. We had a lot of fun being part of it. It was at the Shyrock Auditorium which is joined to Altgel Hall. The shows were on December18th and 19th. Merry Christmas!   

Friday, December 3, 2010

Poll Results: Favorite Thanksgiving Dish

The Poll for the month of June was "What ice cream flavor is best?". Here are the results

            Mashed Patatoes-----------------0%
       Green Bean Casserole-----------------0%

The Winner is OTHER.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It's time for Thanksgiving! Preparing dishes, eating dishes, cleaning dishes, and spending time with family that's what Thanksgiving is all about. I love helping to make the dishes, smell the foods, watch the bread being kneaded in the bread machine, Dad cooking and cutting the turkey, and, of coarse, eating the food. My favorite is cranberry crunch. It's basically cranberry jellied and, well, crunch. After Thanksgiving we sometimes put out all the Christmas decorations that we can before it gets too dark and late. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!   

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Great Grades!

Grace got 100% A+ in all her tests this week. 

                                                 I better study more to keep up! 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Family Reunion!

Our cousins, Lester and Karen, and Uncle Luis and Aunt Meena are visiting us finally after four years of planning from Abu Dabi! We are having loads of fun with them. They are staying for ten days. We took them to our local fairgrounds and were lucky enough to see some deer. We took them to our swimming practice and our choir rehearsal. We also took them to the Giant City Park and went apple picking at Eckert's. Four years ago we went on vacation to India, and it is the first time I remember seeing my relatives so it is amazing to see them again after four years right in our own home! I hope we can see them again some other time.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Du Quoin vs. Centralia 7/06/10

  Centralia is a big town with lots of cool stuff, but despite that, they have one of the worst swimteams in our league. I swam the 50 free, 50 back, and 100 free and won all of them. Our relay team also won all of our races. This was because Centralia doesn't have any boys in our age group. We wo this meet 457-130. I can't wait till the last meet on 7/15/10 which is against the great Marion Marlins.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Du Quoin vs. Anna 7/01/10

  The DUQU vs. ANNA swimmeet was hosted at Anna but we still won it by 216 points. Anna's full name is Anna Blue Dolphins. I swam the 100 I.M., 50 back, and 50 breast and won all of them. I was also in two relays, which we also won. It was a good swimmeet altogether.

Du Quoin vs. Harrisburg 6/29/10

    The DUQU vs. HBURG swimmeet was hosted at Du Quoin and was a win for us by 241 points! IM swam a 50 free, 50 fly, and 100 free. I was in both relays also. I won one relay but got second in the other one. I also won my 100 free and 50 fly. But I got second in my 50 free. It was a good swimmeet altogether.

Poll Results For: "What ice cream flavor is best?"

  The Poll for the month of June was "What ice cream flavor is best?". Here are the results
Orange Sherbet----16%

And so the winner of this poll is: VANILLA!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Larry Jukes Freestyle Classic 6/26/10

   The Larry Jukes Freestyle Classic was hosted at the Mt.Vernon Swimming Pool and is like a swimmeet only all the swimmteams from the SISL (Southern Illinois Swimming League) come to it and the only events were 100 Freestyle, 50 Freestyle, and 25 Freestyle.  In case you've been wondering what the 100, 50,and 25 means, here is the answer. An 100 is four laps of the pool, 50 is two laps, and 25 is one lap. Also a short name for butterfly, backstroke, breastroke, and freestyle, is fly, back, breast, and free. Anyway, I was under the weather yesterday morning so I wasn't able to do the 100 free. Now I wish I had. Also the theme for this Classic was "The Best Thing in Life is Free (Freestyle)" 

Du Quoin vs. Mt.Vernon 6/24/10

  This swimmeet was our third one we won the meet by 152 points! My events were 50 freestyle, 50 backstroke, and 100 freestyle I was also in both relays again. I won all three of my events and we won both the relays so it was a good meet for me and the team.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Du Quoin vs. Herrin 6/22/10

  The Du Quoin vs. Herrin meet was our first home meet, and the most closest meet we ever had. The score started with us four points behind then three, then we were seven points ahead of them, then when we were getting to our last events, we were tied! Finally it was announced that we had won 139 to 143! I had swam the 100 I.M., the 50 back, and the 50 breast. I was also in both relays again. This time, both our relays won second. I won the breast and backstroke but I got second on the I.M.

Du Quoin vs. Salem 6/17/10

    The Du Quoin vs. Salem swimmeet was our swimteams first swimmeet on 6/17/10. It was hosted at the Salem swimming pool, they're pool was a new one and had a water slide and a small pool that had so much cool water equipment it looked like a waterpark! My events were 50 meter butterfly, 50 meter backstroke, and a 100 meter freestyle. I was aso the first person in two relays: The medley relay and the freestyle relay. The medley relay is that the first person swims backstroke, the second breastroke, the third butterfly and the last freestyle. We awon both the relays and I won my butterfly and backstroke, but I got second on my freestyle. We won the meet 351 to 321.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Christian Fellowship Church 2010 Conference

Every year at the Christian Fellowship church in Du Quoin, June 10-13, there is conference. People come from all over S. Illinois and other places too. The fathest a person has come to get to the conference Is Bro. Gabriel who came three years ago from Kenya, Africa. Last year he came with his wife and this year he came with his son, Sam. Other people come from Texas, New Orleans, and even Mexico. A fun person who started coming to the conference almost seven years ago is Bro.Doyle from Texas (He would probably telll you he was from Mexico because he is in love with that country). He taught me how to play guitar and many others too. he also teaches violin, bass, and mandolin. He is a very hyper man who is enthusiastic about the Lord. He even does front flips for Him. Beleive it or not he's 93 years old! The theme for this years conference was Renewing Your Passion for Christ. I think this was a very good topic. Well thats all I have to tell you on this subject.  

Monday, June 7, 2010

FCA: Unleash the Power

Hello. Today I'm going to talk about FCA. FCA means Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Tommorow is the first of the three days of the Du Quoin Power Camp at the Du Quoin Middle School. The theme this year is Unleash the Power. You can enroll for FCA at www.sifca.org. When you come to the school, you will get your name tag. On it will be the two sports you chose and the huddle you will be assighned to. A huddle is the group of people who will be your team in the competetive games which I will talk about later. The huddle leader is the leader of the huddle. A huddle leader can be aged 14+.  After you get your name tag, you will go into the main building for praise and worship. Then you will separate into your huddles for a short Bible study and prayer. After this you may go on a bus to your first sport. My first sport is Track and Field. When you finish your sport you will move to your second sport. You may use the bus, but my second sport was basketball and it was next door to the track. After the second sport you go back to the main building for the provided lunch. After lunch is another praise and worship and prayer. Then is the competitive games. Of what I remember, the competitve games are; Flickerball (basketball played with a football with a few different rules), Trashcan Football (Football with two trashcans as goals), and Volley Ball. After this you go back into the main building where they will announce the huddles that won the most games. Then the day is over.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mikado: Or the Town of Titipu

This post is all about the show I am in called the Mikado. It is at the Sesser Opera House and the shows are on Thursday (5/27/10) through Saturday (5/30/10) at 7:00 and on Sunday (5/31/10) at 2:30. Grace, Rachel, David, Jonnie, my Dad, and I are in the operetta. An operetta is a short form of an opera. The show is all about a man named Nanki Poo. He was the son of the great Mikado (Japanese for emperor.) and was told that he was to marry a lady called Katisha. But he did not like Katisha and instead fell in love with a beautiful young lady called Yum-Yum. But Nanki-Poo soon found out that Yum-Yum was to be married to a cheap tailor named Ko-Ko. He left the town of Titipu. Soon he found out that Ko-Ko was to be put to death for flurting, so he hurried back to the town of Titipu to claim Yum-Yum's hand but disguised himself as a member of the Titipu town band. Then a lad named Pish-Tush told him that Ko-Ko was going to die but was reprieved at the last moment and was given the title of Lord High Exexccutioner. Meanwhile, the Mikado was disturbed at the lack of executions in Titipu and wanted an execution immediately. Ko-Ko found out that Nanki-Poo was so sad that he couldn't marry Yum-Yum that he was going to kill himself, Ko-Ko thought that Nanki-Poo could, instead, be executed so he (Ko-Ko) wouldn't be in trouble with the Mikado. Nanki-Poo agreed but said that he would allow himself to be executed only if he could marry Yum-Yum for a month, THEN be executed. Ko-Ko agreed to this and the next day Nanki-Poo was married. The next week a law came from the Mikado that if a married man should be executed, his wife will have to be buried alive. Then the trouble came. Things turned out though that the Mikado found out that Nanki-Poo was his son and took away the law that any one should be executed. Everything was happy in the Town of Titipu once again.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dollywood Trip

Hi there! On 4/28/10 we went on a vacation to Dollywood. The whole vacation wasn't in Dollywood though. First we went to Bloomington, IL. There, we went to Hilton's Doubletree Inn to a conference room holding the DAR conference luncheon. After the lunch, I read my winning essay about the transcontinental railroad. i later was give a certificate and $100! Then we haeded out to paducah, KY. When we reached we went to Drury Inn Suites and stayed in room number 215. The next morning we headed out to Atlalnta, GA. When we passed through Tennesse we saw that we had juust missed a tornado. It took all day to go through Tennesse and by the time we reached our hotel (which was named Holiday Inn and Suites) it was already dark. Our room number was 316. We stayed a week in Atlanta and we did many things there. First we went to the CNN Atlanta Studios and the Coca Cola Company (This was one of my personal favorites). The next day we went to the Atlanta Zoo. The next day we went to the Fernbank Museum of Natural History (This had a IMAX theater which was a wonderful experience) and the Atlanta History Center. On the last day we went to the Atlanta Aquarium (largest aquarium in the world). On Saturday we went on our way to Pigeon Forge, TN. While going there we wanted to bypass the Smoky Mountains and go around it. Instead we accidentall we went right throgh them. What made it worse was that it was raining. When we finally reached our hotel called All Season Suites we were exausted. The next mornin we found out that it was God's plan that we went through the mountains for the roads around the mountain had been flooded by the rain! We had a wonderfull time in Dollywood. Here are my favorites. First is River Rampage which is a circular ride that is made on rapids. This ride made us very wet. Next was River Battle which is a slow ride that has guns on them. You use the guns to shoot other people who are no on the ride and at special targets that may shoot back. We got thoroughly soaked on this ride. Next was Adventure Mountain which was a new attraction for 2010. It was an elevated challenge coarse that lets you feel how it is to be a mountain climber. first they put a harness on you then attatch you to the ride. then you walk on ledges across single ropes and so forth. It was very tricky at points but we managed to get through it. My next favorite is Blazing Fury which is a dark indoor roller coaster which is like a story with moving maneqins inside only it's a roller coaster with three drops. In one it simulates you crashing into a train and when you get right in fornt of the train, you drop. My next favorite is Thunderhead. This is a wooden roller coaster that goes over and under itself thirty-two times and has twenty drops, but amazingly takes only two minutesto run through the whole thing! Well that was our trip to Dollywood! The following is a picture of Thunderhead.