
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I write about all my vactions, special events and I also post my animations here. I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Du Quoin vs. Salem 6/17/10

    The Du Quoin vs. Salem swimmeet was our swimteams first swimmeet on 6/17/10. It was hosted at the Salem swimming pool, they're pool was a new one and had a water slide and a small pool that had so much cool water equipment it looked like a waterpark! My events were 50 meter butterfly, 50 meter backstroke, and a 100 meter freestyle. I was aso the first person in two relays: The medley relay and the freestyle relay. The medley relay is that the first person swims backstroke, the second breastroke, the third butterfly and the last freestyle. We awon both the relays and I won my butterfly and backstroke, but I got second on my freestyle. We won the meet 351 to 321.

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