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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Christian Fellowship Church 2010 Conference

Every year at the Christian Fellowship church in Du Quoin, June 10-13, there is conference. People come from all over S. Illinois and other places too. The fathest a person has come to get to the conference Is Bro. Gabriel who came three years ago from Kenya, Africa. Last year he came with his wife and this year he came with his son, Sam. Other people come from Texas, New Orleans, and even Mexico. A fun person who started coming to the conference almost seven years ago is Bro.Doyle from Texas (He would probably telll you he was from Mexico because he is in love with that country). He taught me how to play guitar and many others too. he also teaches violin, bass, and mandolin. He is a very hyper man who is enthusiastic about the Lord. He even does front flips for Him. Beleive it or not he's 93 years old! The theme for this years conference was Renewing Your Passion for Christ. I think this was a very good topic. Well thats all I have to tell you on this subject.  

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