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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Larry Jukes Freestyle Classic 6/26/10

   The Larry Jukes Freestyle Classic was hosted at the Mt.Vernon Swimming Pool and is like a swimmeet only all the swimmteams from the SISL (Southern Illinois Swimming League) come to it and the only events were 100 Freestyle, 50 Freestyle, and 25 Freestyle.  In case you've been wondering what the 100, 50,and 25 means, here is the answer. An 100 is four laps of the pool, 50 is two laps, and 25 is one lap. Also a short name for butterfly, backstroke, breastroke, and freestyle, is fly, back, breast, and free. Anyway, I was under the weather yesterday morning so I wasn't able to do the 100 free. Now I wish I had. Also the theme for this Classic was "The Best Thing in Life is Free (Freestyle)" 

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