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Monday, June 7, 2010

FCA: Unleash the Power

Hello. Today I'm going to talk about FCA. FCA means Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Tommorow is the first of the three days of the Du Quoin Power Camp at the Du Quoin Middle School. The theme this year is Unleash the Power. You can enroll for FCA at www.sifca.org. When you come to the school, you will get your name tag. On it will be the two sports you chose and the huddle you will be assighned to. A huddle is the group of people who will be your team in the competetive games which I will talk about later. The huddle leader is the leader of the huddle. A huddle leader can be aged 14+.  After you get your name tag, you will go into the main building for praise and worship. Then you will separate into your huddles for a short Bible study and prayer. After this you may go on a bus to your first sport. My first sport is Track and Field. When you finish your sport you will move to your second sport. You may use the bus, but my second sport was basketball and it was next door to the track. After the second sport you go back to the main building for the provided lunch. After lunch is another praise and worship and prayer. Then is the competitive games. Of what I remember, the competitve games are; Flickerball (basketball played with a football with a few different rules), Trashcan Football (Football with two trashcans as goals), and Volley Ball. After this you go back into the main building where they will announce the huddles that won the most games. Then the day is over.

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